Blog for the Longview Foundation project 2010 “Developing Global Competence in Teachers and Students”

What Does Competition Mean Today?

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Competition takes many forms. It surrounds us as children on the playground. It increases as we realize classes rank students, then into the pressure of college acceptance, and next in the job market.  Competition is not only between individuals, it is also between organizations, and states. As I mentioned in my post last week, our world is becoming ever more interconnected. And competition has taken a new form between nations. Never before have…

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A Student’s Perspective on International Education

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"Contemporary societies are marked by new global trends—economic, cultural, technological, and environmental shifts that are part of a rapid and uneven wave of globalization. The growing global interdependence that characterizes our time calls for a generation of individuals who can engage in effective global problem solving and participate simultaneously in local, national, and global civic life. Put simply, preparing our students to participate fully in today’s and tomorrow’s world demands that we nurture…

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Exploring Global Issues Workshop

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Join Facing the Future and Global Visionaries for a FREE day-long workshop to learn effective strategies to engage students in being active global citizens! You will walk away from this workshop with free resources, new approaches, and a community of support to begin integrating global issues and sustainable solutions into your classroom. This workshop also includes FREE clock hours! Rick Steves will be the keynote speaker. He will share with us his thoughts…

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Global competency, 21st century skills, international programming

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Global competency, 21st century skills, international programming--all buzz words these days for cutting edge, future-minded education. We've heard from members of the business community-- these are the skills students need to be developing to be successful members of 21st century life. It's all very exciting--but what does it mean for the average teacher? What does it look like in the classroom?

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