International Education Washington

Early Language Learning Meeting 10/9/2006


October 9, 2006 4:15-5:30 pm
University of Washington
Denny Hall, Room 123

In attendance: Hedwige Meyer, Paul Aoki, Klaus Brandl, Jennifer Geist, Marie-Pierre Koban, Michele Anciaux Aoki

We talked about plans for new programs in 2006-2007 based on interests identified at the Early Language Learning Symposium last fall. Possible program topics include:

We also talked about ideas for a workshop in the Northwest in February, 2007 by NNELL (National Network for Early Language Learning


Bilingualism: Opportunities for Today's Adults (e.g., Speak Your Languages.)

Michele will take the lead on putting this program together with Dave Cotlove from Highline S.D. (who oversaw the making of the DVDs). We'll aim for an evening program (7-9 pm?) in January, most likely. (With just 2 hours, it would not qualify for clock hours. We can consider whether a longer program, including clock hours, would be better for teachers.) The program would include some "live" panelists to talk about how language study (or language maintenance/development for heritage speakers) has played into their careers. Audience would likely be teachers of English Language Learners or promoters of World Language programs in the high schools (who want to get ideas for how to convince the administration that their programs are valuable); possibly career counselors or others who advise students (esp. immigrant students) on college plans; college students who might be interested in how language study might factor into their futures. Jennifer has contacts with the Secondary Bilingual Orientation Center in the district (newcomer high school students). We'll see if folks from that school might like to come and participate too. This program is not about specific resources to use in a language classroom, but rather information and messaging to help when people talk to decision makers (in schools and districts) and policy makers (e.g., Legislature). The program would be at the LLC (123? or larger space if needed) at no charge. We'll try to get a little funding from the Language Board for refreshments.

Strategies for Learning Languages using iEARN (International Education and Resource Network)

Klaus nicely got Jennifer to agree to do a program in the spring for high school teachers on using iEARN (technology connections) to enrich language classes with project-based learning (which aligns well with the Task-Based approach that Hedwige is working on). Jennifer can share some of the World Language Toolkit resources she's been developing with grant funding from the State Innovations grant. Klaus and Jennifer will coordinate this. (Just let Michele know when you set the date and I'll put it on the International Education Washington calendar.) Klaus expects to have funding for this from the Language Board (from Title VI grants).

In addition, we still want Jennifer to do a follow-on about iEARN for early language learning (like what they're doing in the FLES and immersion programs). That one we might schedule in December. (It's part of the grant expectation in terms of outreach on the materials the grant paid for her to develop.) Jennifer and Michele will work on getting a date set. It would be held in one of the computer classrooms in the LLC and teachers would be able to do hands-on activities with the iEARN website.

Effective Techniques for Teaching Young Learners

The NNELL folks had suggested that they would do a workshop on this topic in February. We're not quite clear about the NNELL arrangements (they want to charge for the workshop, do catering, etc.). We're not quite clear if they want or need UW sponsorship. (Holding it at PLU is also an option.)

We felt that there is still value in more of a "home-grown, self-help" workshop on this topic that could be offered at no cost (or just a donation like the other Early Language Learning programs we did last year). We're hoping that Kristin might take the lead on this, and perhaps involve students of hers from the College of Ed or teachers she's working with in the various schools in the area. (Michele has contacts too.) This might be one of the professional development opportunities for teachers in the new two-way immersion bilingual programs for Spanish or the budding Chinese immersion program in the Seattle S.D.

In summary,

December, 2006 Strategies for Early Language Learning using iEARN (Jennifer, with Michele's help)

January, 2007 Bilingualism: Opportunities for Today's Adults (Michele, with Jennifer's help, Jackie too?)

February, 2007 NNELL (National Network for Early Language Learning) Workshop (actually scheduled January 27 at PLU)

March??, 2007 Effective Techniques for Teaching Young Learners (Kristin and teachers)

Spring, 2007 Strategies for Learning Languages using iEARN for High School Language Teachers (Jennifer & Klaus)

Outreach plan would be the usual:

- Post on International Education Washington Calendar and on Language Learning Center website

- Email announcement to News email list (about 400) and Languages (about 200), as well as WAFLT (don't know the number)

- Display simple posters around campus

- Klaus and Hedwige and Kristin -- publicize in language and education classes around campus

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